Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have been keeping very busy, between the house, yard and creating new items to sell. Also I have been working on new patterns. I even have a new Santa coming out real soon. I think this is the earliest I have ever finished a new Santa. But I wanted to get started on Santa Patterns for 2009. Of coarse I have to make the Santa first and then do the pattern.

I tried something new today. I spread cement on my steps going from the kitchen to the outside Screened in Porch. A couple of years ago, I tore off the carpet that covered those steps and was using folded throw rugs to cover up the uglyness. Well I bought me a bag of cement and decided to smooth a layer of cement over all the uglyness. I got the top step finished and ran out of dried cement, so will have to go to town to buy another bag. Beleive it or not, it seems to already be dry. I do not plan to walk on it until tomorrow, just to make sure. Now I am not sure if this stuff will stay on or crack off. But what the heck, at least I have given it the old college try. I even have some cement sealer that I plan to coat the step with.

My daughter, Vikki is coming up in a couple of weeks to help me paint the screen porch. I am real excited about that. We will work a couple of days and then go play at least one day while she is here. She will be here for my Birthday, so I am sure we will go out to eat on that night. I have such fun when she comes for a visit. Her guys will just have to get along without her for a few days.hehehehe

I just finished 2 Kitty Cats today. One went on ebay (catsinthebarn*primitives) and the other on Lemon Poppy Seeds. I will be doing that pattern real soon. So take a look when you have time.

1 comment:

Kady said...

LOVE that kitty. Great job! Do you have a "followers" list? You can add one through blogspot and it's pretty easy to do. I added your site to the sidebar of my blog so those who come and browse there can click on it and come visit you. Hope you don't mind.