Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sooooooooo! Inbetween decluttering and depersonalizing my home, I have been making afew new items. Will put some on ebay, but mostly on Lemon Poppy Seeds. Not that any of my stuff is selling these days. But I just keep trying. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I have been trying to keep my prices down with the economy and all.
This 19" USA Farmer will be listed for $19.99. If you are interested, just email me at .
Also, I am trying to show a couple more pictures. If I get it figured out you will see them here. If not, look on the other 2 sites.


Kady said...

Was just reading your bio and know what you mean. It used to be there was a little bit of profit to be made by hard work & perseverence. Today, we who still craft by hand have all the import competition. I can't do the extreme prim either. I like what you do and want to tell you to hang in there. I just found this blog and your selling site and LOVE the name. Might have to "borrow" it when I get my cat barn built for my own real menagerie. I don't even tell people how many cats I have anymore, they just shake their heads at me. But somebody has to rescue those in need, right?

Cats in the Barn Blog said...

Hi Kady, Thanks for your comments. I appreciate your kind words. Keep up the good work with all your Kitty's. How can anyone punish them for being born. Do you have them all fixed? If not, talk to your local Vets. to help out with the expense. Hugs and blessings, Susan